Koh Phi Phi to Phuket times, prices, distance & Last ferry from Phi Phi to Phuket

Traveling from Koh Phi Phi to Phuket offers with ferry services being the most common choice. The journey duration by ferry typically ranges from about 2 hours. Ferries depart from Tonsai Pier in Koh Phi Phi and arrive at Rassada Pier in Phuket, with multiple daily departures available.

Phi Phi ferry schedule: 09:00 11:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 pm from Tonsai Pier to Rassada Pier Phuket. 2h duration.

Online booking ticket fare with us ranges from 380 THB to 450 THB per person oneway. The regular fare payable on the spot is 600 THB per person oneway.

Phi Phi Island to Phuket distance: The distance from Phi Phi Island to Phuket is approximately 40.5 nautical miles, which is equivalent to about 46.5 miles on land.

Phi Phi to Phuket ferry schedule, time, price & The last ferry from phi phi to phuket is 15:30 pm.

From To Departure Arrival Adult Child (4-11 yrs.) Class
Tonsai Pier, Phi Phi Island Rassada Pier, Phuket 09:00 11:00 380 ฿ 380 ฿ Standard Class Ferry
Tonsai Pier, Phi Phi Island Rassada Pier, Phuket 09:00 11:00 450 ฿ 450 ฿ Standard Class Ferry
Tonsai Pier, Phi Phi Island Rassada Pier, Phuket 11:00 13:00 450 ฿ 450 ฿ Standard Class Ferry
Tonsai Pier, Phi Phi Island Rassada Pier, Phuket 14:30 16:30 380 ฿ 380 ฿ Standard Class Ferry
Tonsai Pier, Phi Phi Island Rassada Pier, Phuket 14:30 16:30 450 ฿ 450 ฿ Standard Class Ferry
Tonsai Pier, Phi Phi Island Rassada Pier, Phuket 15:00 17:00 450 ฿ 450 ฿ Standard Class Ferry
Tonsai Pier, Phi Phi Island Rassada Pier, Phuket 15:30 17:30 450 ฿ 450 ฿ Standard Class Ferry
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