Ferry from Phi Phi to Phuket

To travel by ferry from Tonsai Pier, Koh Phi Phi to Phuket, you have several options available. The company of the fastest services are offered by the Phi Phi Cruiser, Andaman Wave Master, Chureang Lady Ferry and Chao Koh Group, with air-conditioned cabins and life vests for passengers. The journey from Ton Sai pier in Phi Phi to Rassada pier in Phuket takes about 2 hours and regular fare THB 600. There are five departures daily at 09:00 11:00 14:30 15:00 and 15:30 pm, with the 15:30 pm boat being the latest departure from Phi Phi to Phuket during the day.

Phi Phi to Phuket ferry schedule, time, price & The last ferry from phi phi to phuket is 15:30 pm.

From To Departure Arrival Adult Child (4-11 yrs.) Class
Tonsai Pier, Phi Phi Island Rassada Pier, Phuket 09:00 11:00 380 ฿ 380 ฿ Standard Class Ferry
Tonsai Pier, Phi Phi Island Rassada Pier, Phuket 09:00 11:00 450 ฿ 450 ฿ Standard Class Ferry
Tonsai Pier, Phi Phi Island Rassada Pier, Phuket 11:00 13:00 450 ฿ 450 ฿ Standard Class Ferry
Tonsai Pier, Phi Phi Island Rassada Pier, Phuket 14:30 16:30 380 ฿ 380 ฿ Standard Class Ferry
Tonsai Pier, Phi Phi Island Rassada Pier, Phuket 14:30 16:30 450 ฿ 450 ฿ Standard Class Ferry
Tonsai Pier, Phi Phi Island Rassada Pier, Phuket 15:00 17:00 450 ฿ 450 ฿ Standard Class Ferry
Tonsai Pier, Phi Phi Island Rassada Pier, Phuket 15:30 17:30 450 ฿ 450 ฿ Standard Class Ferry
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